Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I feel helpless every time I read another Rhino had been poached. This morning when I read News24 and saw that 100 (a hundred) Rhinos have been poached and killed in the last two months, I felt a deep sadness. Not only for the pain and suffering our Rhinos had to endure, but also for those who are involved with this senseless poaching of our natural heritage. But then again, they do not think it is senseless. For them it is all about money. And where will it stop? Our Goverment is certainly not doing enough. Our minister is mumm on the issue and SanParks only give information out which they think we should hear. 50 (Fifty) of the Rhinos poached and killed in the last two months were in the Kruger National Park. Our most famous and popular tourist destination in South Africa for those who want to spend time close to nature. My question to SanParks is this: What are you doing about this problem? It seems like it is a case of not being vigilant enough, a don'
t care attitude, which is quite obvious when you do put a question to them. As to our minister? Well, she talks the talk on her press conferences, but nothing is done. And she says she is committed to the issue. But Edna, I doubt it. Where has all the money gone that they received for this specific problem. As yet, no information has been made available to the public? Did it go for salaries? That is usually the answer. I always ask the question, why is it that millions of dollars get donated to an instance like "Sea Shepherd" and coverage gets given to their efforts in saving the Whales from being hunted down. And they do a wonderful job. But what about our Rhinos? Is enough effort been made? No, I don't think so. Even the wheels of justice are too slow. And the Poachers are laughing at us. The same people who have been caught, and been released on bail, are still involved in the very same activities. As to all the different foundations which have appear all of a sudden. Guys, this is not a joke and please do not start your foundations, trying to make money from donations for your own pockets. I have asked numerous of these foundations if they need volunteers, in any form or shape. To this date, I have yet to receive a positive answer. And I do ask for a specific reason. I feel that should they be so committed and they are true in their quest to save the Rhino, then surely they would want people out there to help and assist? Also, guys, please try and give correct information to the public. Specially on platforms as Twitter. It is very easy to spot "chancers". My wish for our Rhinos: For us, as their caregivers, to respect their place on this earth and to protect and keep them save.

My Africa...

I know I have not been on here for some time and I cannot blame anyone but myself. I have neglected my passion for my Mother Africa. But I have not lost my passion for her. I have recently got into an argument with someone from another country on the Twitter feed regarding his ignorant comments about Africa. He even sent me a piece written in a newspaper that was printed in his country about how bad things are in South Africa for instance. It seems like we have absolutely no food left in the country and we are in famine? I have obviously not noted it, or experienced it, according to the look of my waistline. However, I am quite aware we do have famine in lots of African states.
It is such a pity though, as it is caused not only by drought, which we all have in Africa, but by the greed of fighting war lords on our continent. And in being the greedy individuals that they are and the greed for power, they have no consideration for the people of their countries. And this to me is sad and unacceptable. I believe in "show a man how to fish or plant....". And as I do not believe in violence in any form or shape, I find it frightening that the people on our continent allows it. Why should we wait for the Western powers to always step in and assist us with monetary and food aid. We have all the resources on this continent to make it the best place to live. Besides all our natural minerals, oil, gas, we also have what no other continent has and that is our natural beauty, our wild open spaces, our wild animals, and of course us, the beautiful people of Africa. I proudly call myself an African, even though I am white. I was born here and I am part of the soil of this place, we call Mother Africa.