We have an uproar in South Africa, as it was found we have have other "meat items" in out meat products, including goat, donkey and water buffalo. Now the only one I have a problem with is the donkey. No people!!!! We cannot kill little cute donkeys for our meat products. It is a big no no!! Imagine eating little Chocolate in a piece of Boerewors. (Sausage) I protest!!

Goat. Yes. Water Buffalo. Yes. I have had some wonderful goat stews through the years. Nothing wrong with it. It is a delicacy in some restuarants overseas, but in Africa, it is a common meat to use in stews etc.
Goat meat comprises 63 percent of all red meat that is consumed worldwide. Currently, goats are the main source of animal protein in many North African and Middle Eastern nations. Goats are also important in Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and other tropical regions.
Goat meat has been established as a lean meat with favorable nutritional qualities, and it's an ideal choice for the health-conscious consumer. Goat meat is lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol than traditional meats. Less saturated fat and less cholesterol mean healthier red meat for the health-conscious consumer.
So really people.
Donkey - NO. Goat - YES
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